Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rosetta comet-chaser initiates 'big burn'


Europe's Rosetta spacecraft to meet with a comet, another critical moment in the midst of his mission.
It 's the right way to meet up with satellites August 67P/CG should be near a burning eight hours he drank its thrusters.
Eight more will be required to complete the task of steering, great on Wednesday.
10 years ago the world was introduced to the Rosetta, on the surface of the orbit and is expected to be a small comet lander.
If all goes well, the mission and the chemical composition of its icy treat mothers should return some remarkable insights.
Automated Rosetta 15:23 GMT (; 17:23 CEST 16:23 BST) at the beginning of cooking the engine. Burn 'Original'
Darmstadt, Germany, (ESA) "Mission Control" at the European Space Agency Engineers received confirmation about 28 minutes later.
Delay in the time required for the signal to travel the 500 million km - Rosetta and the distance between the Earth.
"# BigBurn has begun! # Rosetta ESOC team looking good telemetry," Twitter progress reports to the Control Room.

Control room Controllers followed the performance of the thrusters on their telemetry feed
"@ESA_Rosetta mission control seeing thruster From just inside the orbit of Mars and Jupiter Comet 67P/CG back beyond the orbit takes it around the sun is traveling in a large ring.
Rosetta 4 km wide body heat and the surface of our star from the gas and dust can trigger a large jet, the inward curve of the target is attempting to appointment.
At the moment, the pair broke into nearly a million miles, and extremities.
Wednesday's Rosetta comet's velocity relative to burn slower and then the 11 weeks to arrive just in front of the object on a trajectory that has been created.
Then, with the idea of ​​a separation under 200km / down only 1 m / sec relative velocity is reduced to 755m from the current s.
Compared to the Sun, of course, their speed, "walking speed" was not found - are as good as we fall deeper and deeper in the star's gravity, however, the duo more than 13 km / s from hurtling through space.
Two weeks ago, the engineers were able to burn a little test before Wednesday's European Space Operations Centre of the maneuver was a bit 'scared.
Rosetta is using the propulsion system to pressurize the tank because of a loss that was. Risk 'Sneeze'
Propellant thrusters for the fluid pressure in the combustion chambers at a constant flow also guaranteed.
This loss was announced a few years ago, and engineers, they understand and can not avoid it.
But the show itself is a problem, it might be a good time to burn.
"Operating at a lower pressure leads to less efficient combustion, and that means more use of propellant., But thanks to our good navigation and correct, we have to cope with more than enough reserves, because this is good," Andrea Accomazzo, Rosetta Interpretation of the ESA Space Operations Manager (SOM).

Model of 67-P 
"What are the risks really like sneezing of those who shoot most engines can operate at low pressure that could very turbulent combustion - is very moving .."
SOM and his team during Wednesday's four bursts of 10 - Newton thrusters to assess the stability of Rosetta telemetry will watch very carefully.
After burning, scientists Rosetta Comet of Osiris with the camera to take new pictures.
These images are then scheduled for June 4, slightly less burnt, it can be executed properly so that it will help better assess the exact position of the comet in the sky.

Graphic of mission

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