Saturday, May 24, 2014

Defiant Prime Minister urges Ukrainians to vote in presidential election

May 24, 2014
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 Kiev, Ukraine - Ukrainian Prime Minister in the face of deadly violence gripping the country east of his fellow country men and women in the national elections on Saturday in a defiant message : We go to the polls .Voters will elect a president to lead the country , Arseniy Yatsenyuk " for the release of prosperity , the European future of Ukraine pays the highest price - . Said the price of their own lives, "The Provisional Government issued a statement on the website, it means " We want Sunday and every one of us more accountable . "Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine 's presidential election , centered on the ongoing separatist violence in the region , will be held .Voters blamed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula PRO- Russian conflict and the invasion of a country divided by the takeover of Russia ousted PRO - Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych will choose a successor.Militants burn polling places in UkraineWhen sanctions are harsh in Russia?Ukraine is a precursor to Vote explosionsSee a tough election hopefulIncreasingly PRO - Russian forces in the bloody conflict of the week trying to disrupt the elections have raised the question of - the U.S. and its European allies that can trigger early stricter sanctions against Moscow.Donetsk and Luhansk PRO - Russian militants , who control a string held a referendum on independence , and the government has refused to accept the legitimacy or the presidential election.But Yatsenyuk said on Sunday insisted that the elections in Ukraine." Tomorrow we work to build our home and how it will make the decisions themselves, it is not possible to intimidate us , to prove to the entire world , and ourselves to be first of all, " he said.. " But we have fought for these elections, restoring our military to defend our country , destroy the industrial reconstruction , has been washing billions of systems destroys the land, we are laying the foundation for the strength of learning and development , " he said.Ukraine's "Chocolate King ' aims Top JobExamine interferenceThe Luhansk and Donetsk regions of the Prosecutor General's Office alleged involvement in the electoral process , said Saturday the 83 cases examined.The Interior Ministry police districts and the local election commission chief Volodymyr Grynyuk 12 regions in the country, according to the government press service, during Saturday's protection.Destroy the buildings and equipment have been seized by the separatists had been placed in Donetsk and Luhansk half measures 34 of the district election commission , it said. Ballots were distributed in these areas , but still.Rebel stronghold Slovyansk , Vyacheslav statement , the self-proclaimed mayor who tried to vote in the presidential election had been arrested .And the self-proclaimed "Donetsk Republic ," Speaking on Saturday outside the main office as well as the body's Twitter account, according to the protesters , the Donetsk and Luhansk joined to form a new breakaway " Novorossiya . "Against Separatists " antiterrorist operation " which the government launched in Kiev, so far they have not been able to get them away from the cities.But their days are numbered deals Yatsenyuk charge."I waged war against Ukraine will be prevented from getting to the polling station , Donetsk and Luhansk region which, like the declaration of our countrymen : criminals terrorize the rest of your land, do not have much time, " he said.Overall, 600 crimes registered in relation to the separatist activities , integrity, threat of terrorism and terrorist financing , said the Prosecutor 's Office. More than 100 people have been arrested.Russian recognitionFriday , Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sunday's election in Ukraine, he will respect the will of the voters told the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.But he was ousted in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine Yanukovych speech reiterated that Russia remains the country's legitimate president and that the violence in eastern Ukraine, now the question is whether or not held .The billionaire businessman and politician Petro Poroshenko presidentföregångarei contest.Speaking Tuesday , Putin again , much of which flows through Ukraine , Europe, raised the issue of Russia's natural gas supply . Moscow, Kiev , Russian energy giant Gazprom for natural gas is owed ​​$ 3500000000 and is said to be the fault of Ukraine has warned that any disruption to supply." We are seriously Russian gas transported to Europe , and their direct threats to intervene affected by any of the statements Ukrainian radicals , and we hope that common sense will prevail and that this is not happening is it ," said Putin.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov only when it is performed in accordance with that of the media in Ukraine will decide not to recognize the votes said Friday.U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently voted to disrupt the Russian economy in Russia, Ukraine By targeting specific sectors will lead to further sanctions.So far, U.S. and European sanctions have targeted individuals and some of the banks and other entitiesCoordinating and supporting the unrest in Kiev and Western powers have accused Russia. Russia denies direct involvement or influence on insurgent groups .Valentyn Nalyvaychenko , Head of the Security Service of Ukraine , which was intended for the election of military operations , but the option to secure the polling stations , Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the Separatist threat will be some people said on Friday.Friday , statement , Slovyansk obtained on the black market and the civil war in 1990 , the Ukrainian military aircraft used for events that are known as art -portable air defense systems , missile launchers showed a CNN crew.

Luhansk , Donetsk clashAs tensions continue to simmer vote, at least 32 people , according to the country's anti-terror office spokesman Vladislav Seleznev Ukrainian military and PRO - Russian separatists in the Luhansk region killed and 44 injured in clashes on Thursday.Thirty-seven Ukrainian soldiers while damaging 37 separatists and pro-Russian separatists and two Ukrainian soldiers were among the dead, Seleznev said Friday. Ukraine's Defense Ministry said 20 died , more than 30 wounded insurgent .Reports can not be independently confirmed , and the previous claims from Ukrainian sources have proven to be unreliable.Friday , Donetsk region from the title of a PRO - PRO - Ukrainian-Russian checkpoint at a local militia group known as the Chief of Staff of the Ukrainian authorities and right sectors , according come under attack .Donetsk regional governments the power sector public four PRO - Ukrainian soldiers were trapped and could have been killed or captured , said one person died and nine were injured.There were no further details on casualties, and the reports could not be confirmed independently also .Security Service of Ukraine border this week to join the militia groups targeting the Ukrainian soldiers were under orders to tell them a sniper detained an alleged Russian National Guard said Saturday .

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