Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014
Destroyed buildings are seen in Homs, Syria, on Saturday, May 10, after an evacuation truce went into effect days earlier. Thousands of displaced residents have returned to the city, but civil war still rages elsewhere in the country. The United Nations estimates more than 100,000 people have been killed in Syria since March 2011.
Russia and China in a UN requested the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes in Syria vetoed the Security Council resolution Thursday.
Vote against the resolution were the only two countries to 15 countries .
The move was not a surprise. Syria, the conflict between Russia and China - both permanent members - has the power to veto resolutions of the layers of the Syrian regime has repeatedly used blocks .
Thursday's action in the United States and other countries crashed .
" Because no matter what the decision of the Russian Federation to support the Syrian regime , the Syrian people will not get to see justice today. They see but do not punish crimes ," Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the UN , told the council after the vote .Thought Syria : Homs remainsEscape journalist Paul Conroy of HomsWithin the rebels in Homs Tunnel
" Vetoes now today to testify in The Hague for the victims of atrocities that have prevented us , but also raised their hands to accountability for war against Russia and China not to listen to the kind of evidence that could be heard today here is important , however , for our crimes and crimes against humanity , "Power said.
Then someone in the audience , whom he identified as a victim of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad Zakarya Qusay said . He told her stories about the disappearance of violence by the Syrian regime.
Mark Lyall Grant, UK Ambassador to the UN, was " in Russia and decided to block efforts to achieve justice for the people of Syria that China and shame. "
Resolution , which also co-sponsors the greatest satisfaction is backed by dozens of organizations, including the Syrian people , and could have been the end of impunity "is an important element of a lasting peace ," I said .
However, U.N. Russian Envoy Vitaly Churkin , and that is leading international efforts to find a political solution to the crisis must focus on finding that the time was wrong, said the action to defend their country .
" The fundamental principle of the escalating conflict talk Analytics goals of justice can do," said in his address to the Council. " The draft resolution today to further inflame political passions , and to lay the groundwork for the final out of the military intervention in the rejected an attempt to use the ICC. "
Churkin was made by Council members as a positive example of the destruction of chemical stockpiles in Syria said in an earlier decision of the Security Council , and the drive that the last step slapped .
Mission of chemical weapons
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons , which will be removed promptly notified the remaining chemicals called Thursday for the chemical weapons program in Syria, working with the UN to pass up.
Chemistry, ie about 8 % of the declared Syria 100 metric tons arsenal , have a single site, the general manager , Ahmet Uzumcu said, but can not be transferred to the Syrian government said the security situation.
A mission of the OPCW has used chlorine gas attack in Syria is preparing for an investigation into the allegations , according to the OPCW Uzumcu said .
The Syrian government said it would provide security in the area under their control, as I said , but it adds to the dangers of the mission of the site is not regulated by the government.
" Alleged use of chlorine Syria is of grave concern to the international community and the OPCW ," I said . " All attempts to complete its work , it is important to allow safe access to our team of active , by all parties to the conflict must do. "
France, the French Foreign Minister , Laurent Fabius Syrian regime in recent months has seen evidence that the gas chlorine said about 14 times .
But Syrian Foreign Vice Minister Faisal al- Mekdad in Damascus in an interview with CNN last week by the government denied any use of chlorine gas.
Syrian opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 203 people were killed on Wednesday .
They are connected with government forces and militias and the Syrian rebels and the Islamist group include rows 72-95 , opposition groups said.
Most deaths were due to clashes in Aleppo, running around the prison.

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