Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23, 2014
British scientists announced Monday, February 4, that they are convinced "beyond reasonable doubt" that a skeleton found during an archaeological dig in Leicester, central England, in August 2012 is that of the former king, who was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.
London - Is Richard III , whose skeleton was found in a parking lot in the city of Leicester, the English king in the 15th century has been a long journey . But on Friday, it became clear that their final destination .
Real Medieval Leicester Cathedral , where his remains were discovered in a stone's throw reburied .
The permanent host city for his remains - the skull in the summer of 2012, with a curved spine and resist his remains , the discovery of a new world headlines and caused fights .
Archaeologists long lost Greyfriars Friaryhad Leicester looking for a site, and always re- buried in the Cathedral has discovered plans for a corpse.Deciphering the genetic code of Richard IIIChang : Richard III -like regime with nuclear weaponsThe last battle of Richard III
They claimed that the city was closest to his heart - to be buried in the northern city of York Historical Medieval Plantagenet king was the argument that was challenged in court by a group calling itself the Coalition .
But the judges of the Royal Court of Justice estimates that the plan will be held in Leicester on Friday ruled his funeral.
Richard the exhumation of his sentence, " inflame passions and much has been written " rival camps fought to stake their claim as the notes.
Now they are " make it a magnificent burial , and finally be laid to rest , time to agree that Richard III ." Says
Excavation project , which was behind the University of Leicester , the results observed on Twitter .
" Richard III was buried in Leicester. GREAT news for the university , the city and all who are involved in the discovery ," he said .
Horrible death '
When taking your case , the coalition has more thought should be given to the question , saying lack of consultation over the objections of the bones of the newly rediscovered monarch - should buried .
On its website , the coalition - formed by those who claim to be related to Richard III, and Stephen Nicolay , led by the nephew of the great 16th - York reburied him present his argument.
" We proposed location of a foreshortened Leicester horrible death in the grave, the body and the horror beyond the grave robbing had no connection with the city of King Richard III , the tomb is totally inappropriate for the trust," he said.
" Those who died in a foreign place , to take home , so all possible connections and affection of King Richard , he was in a place that is going to bring . "
He was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in Richard III 1485 - York House last king of England to die on the battlefield and the last monarch.
Until his remains , the actual best to usurp the throne , "the prince in the tower " to his nephews , was accused of murdering hunchback villain of Shakespeare known as a modern British found.
Burial site of the infamous history of warfare can be seen even more likely. But both sides have a strong right his remains , they insisted .
Tourists flock to see the final resting place of Leicester, could see a significant commercial advantages.
The city is already telling the story of the life of Richard Plantagenet king , paid tribute to the long end of a memorial stone and parking Greyfriars on site for a visitor center where a new tomb in the cathedral , has plans to his death , and his rediscovery.
In a statement, Leicester City Mayor Peter Soulsby said : "I am here in Leicester Cathedral , now King Richard III give a decent burial delighted that his plan may continue .
" The City Council and supported by the University of Leicester , the cathedral is now held in the spring of plans for next year are the tomb of the king. "

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