Friday, May 23, 2014

Report: Top Egyptian militant killed

Armed Sinai tribesman killed the head of an al Qaeda-inspired terror group on Friday, according to Egypt's state-run news agency.
MENA said that Shady al-Meniey, the 26-year-old chief of Ansar Jerusalem, died in a drive-by shooting in Egypt's volatile North Sinai. Three other militants also were killed.
The Egyptian-based group has claimed responsibility for dozens of deadly attacks on civilian and government targets in Egypt.
CNN sought comment from Egypt's Armed Forces, but had yet to hear back.

Vote upcoming
Egyptians are scheduled to go to the polls in presidential balloting on Monday and Tuesday.
They are voting for a new leader following the removal of Mohamed Morsy, the country's first freely elected president, in a popular military coup last year.
The outcome of the vote will likely bolster Egypt's relations with key allies Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and United Arab Emirates, Gulf states that poured billions of dollars into supporting the Egyptian government after Morsy's ouster.

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