Saturday, May 24, 2014

Comet to pass by Earth closely after meteor shower

People across the country are waking up on Saturday and it was worth looking at the sky for hours in the middle of the night asking themselves , as if they could rub the sore throat .A unique meteor shower in the sky over North America , glittered , but elsewhere in the social media response to the supply of products from some of the awards judging , it was found that in some places it sparingly.A comet - starting on Saturday evening , as the last part of the shower passes through the earth, but for die-hard star geeks , the second is a law , there will be a great treat .Whatever the verdict, the May Camelopardalids meteor shower has a second chance. Many falls in October , the annual trip, December, January and April , NASA meteor observers said Bill Cooke.In August , for example , we will look back on the spectacular Perseid meteor shower .Perseid meteor shower lights up the skyPerseid meteor shower time lapseOrionid Meteor Shower Gifts Gifts Orionid meteor showerBut Camelopardalid meteor shower is named for the constellation seemed to fly out, had a rare gift to the planet Jupiter.They collide with the Earth in the solar system's largest planet, with its strong attraction meteors "low orbit." Next year will snatch away the debris field of the earth, and we will see a meteor shower , so it 's a bit of a one-shot deal, " said Cooke.Rare comet passing209P/LINEAR bears, which inspired the name of the debris from the comet.Astronomers discover they have captured and each new instead of a number and the name of the project for the hundreds of comets has stopped coming on fine name .Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research LINEAR stands .Jupiter at a distance of five one million miles fly by our planet , which will also comet that is thrown our way." Well, it is a comfortable distance ," says Cooke. 1 to 2 miles wide at its core, and the world would be devastating for a direct hit .Orbits the sun every five years by the 209P/LINEAR passport , although this time it will offer a rare sight hobby astronomers." Comets are usually not pass this off ," says Cooke.3 In the consumer model , the sky is clear to anyone with a reflector telescope, you should be able to see it in the sky late on Wednesday to answer.Want a sneak peek through a more powerful telescope, 06:00 ET Monday through those online observatory Services Slooh can get it from .209P/LINEAR debris field comet passes the earth in its forward before the dog is like putting the tail.Usually the debris field , like comets their tails to follow. Again, Jupiter was the culprit. It lurked skräpfältetoch threw it in front 209P/LINEAR ." Jupiter is a big gravitational solar system is amazing," says Cooke. This is particularly the case with the comet and just happened to pass through the orbit of the planet.Many of the solar system passes near the rear gazers It's a long , amazing bands , you should not expect to see just a small dash so , Comet , also left a trail not far.surprise PackageA cookie is a star-studded gala on May Camelopardalids or a failure that can be said from the beginning.Debris field 200 years ago , astronomers could not see when it was made because NASA can not predict it in advance, says Cooke. They only knew it was coming ." It's a bit of a rainy morning at 11:30 , but a drizzle of being able to anticipate or that a thunderstorm can not predict . "Shooting star gazers across the country ran the gamut from the effects of social media, and by some of the trial, had to deliver fireworks." Izzi and I literally just saw and heard a fireball exploded right before our eyes ." Hannah Post to Twitter" Just a blue tail! # Meteor Shower saw an awesomely brilliant meteor ," said Twitter user Carmen from Chicago.And served it with some frustration . Some netizens called a complete bust ." ' Meteor shower clock invited someone out on a date right now looks like a pretty big creep Guess, " The New Yorker tweeted Kevin Depew .Los Angeles Times' Deborah Netburn good response from the shower seemed to sum ​​up in a tweet ." Not exactly a meteor storm. Eastern Sierras seen from # Camelopardalids , but I found 3 so it was quiet. , Long streaks across the sky . "

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