Monday, May 19, 2014

Chinese ships reach Vietnam to extract thousands of citizens after deadly attacks

May 19, 2014
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Hong Kong - Two Chinese vessels left the country after the deadly attack last week trying to collect thousands of Chinese citizens who arrived on the coast of Vietnam on Monday .
Vessels chartered Ha Tinh , destined to Chinese structures and staff are some of the worst violence took place in the port of Vung Ang reached the coastal province , Chinese state media reported .Vietnam anti-Chinese riotsChina's crushing of dissent
Two in one , Wuzhishan , according to the ' official Chinese news agency Xinhua reported on board with 989 southern Chinese port city of Shenzhen came after Monday .
Yet , along with two other ships en route , the ship returned , the recent unrest in people who are used to bring about 4,000 Chinese citizens , Xinhua said .
The Chinese authorities are more than 3,000 foreign-owned factories in China have already been burned and looted, that spiral in clashes last week disputed waters of the South China Sea, China's decision to move the oil rig was evacuated from Vietnam after the protests said on Sunday.
Two Chinese nationals were killed in the violence and more than 100 were injured, authorities said .
The crisis has frayed ties between the two Asian communist -run, and on both sides there is little signal to reverse the increasingly bitter territorial dispute .
Chartered planes back on Sunday with a series of critically injured 16 workers from China , Chinese citizens , including scores, transmitted , Xinhua reported .
Critically injured in a series of patients suffering from injuries inflicted by beatings with iron bars were , Liao Russian abroad , where they were hospitalized in the western Chinese city of Chengdu, a hospital spokeswoman said.
According to Chinese state media is seriously injured workers , China Metallurgical Group Corporation , an iron and steel complex in Ha Tinh building was an employee of the contractor.
The Vietnamese authorities have arrested hundreds , locked disorders . Have tightened security in the position and urged citizens not to participate in further protests .
But thousands of its citizens from a country that China has continued to press ahead with the exhaust system. Beijing is wary of the Chinese people , and it is also not to travel in Vietnam, according to Xinhua , the Hanoi Plan of bilateral exchanges were suspended .
Ships collide in sea
In the middle of the South China Sea, both countries are facing off in the ship.
Vietnam's state news agency VNA Saturday from an area near an oil rig " sending more military ships , his aggressiveness ," China continues to show the defendant. Vietnam , China has called for the immediate withdrawal of the platform from the disputed waters .
China news agency , warships , Coast Guard vessels , including fishing boats and 119 ships were in the area on Saturday morning as saying Nguyen Van Trung , Vietnam, said an official of the Department of Fisheries Monitoring , cit.
Some ships by ramming them and shoot water cannons against them has been inspiring Vietnamese ships , he said.
' We are not afraid of trouble '
China , for its part , is trying to stop the drilling of the oil rig that similar work has continued to accuse the Vietnamese ships . And ' run by state oil and gas company CNOOC , which is a 3-mile exclusion zone around the platform , announced .
"We're not in trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble , " General Fang Fenghui , the Chinese People's Liberation Army ( PLA) Chief of General Staff , said Thursday during a visit to the United States.
"The fact is that our attitude is stopped. , We will not give an inch ," said Fang of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey after the meeting.
for concern
Chinese platform is claimed by both countries , the Paracel Islands , near the start of drilling for oil in China and in Vietnam this month relationship soured .
At the time , the State Department of the United States saying that move " provocative " entitled " raising the excitement . "
His neighbors in the region, including the Philippines and Malaysia in Beijing , putting him at odds with many, claimed the South China Sea. China in the East China Sea and with Japan on a group of small islands are locked in a bitter dispute .
With "We have to recognize that there is a territorial dispute " is "trying to change the status quo , and what exactly it ," Dempsey said in a press conference with the PLA Fang , Thursday .
His views are controversial in Beijing more aggressively trying to change the status quo trying to establish control over the point of view of Washington that there was a veiled reference .

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