Thursday, May 22, 2014

Father blames Israeli military in Palestinian teens' deaths

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Beitunya, West Bank - Fakher Zayed problems erupting at their gates are used.
In recent years, Palestinian protesters clashed with security forces often have the Israeli home front. The separation barrier and Israeli Ofer prison in the four-story building in sight, Beitunya is on the edge of the village in the West Bank.
First, on May 15 anniversary of "Nakba", 1948 Arab - Israeli war, more than 700,000 Palestinians after the Exodus, the Israeli - Palestinian conflict because it seemed an ordinary day.
"(The Palestinians) have been throwing stones, and the (Israeli) soldiers fire tear gas. Bales of plastic," Zayed said. "They escaped. Three or four minutes later, they returned again to throw stones."
Your home, your family and protect your business carpentry Zayed worked 24 hours, which is more than half a dozen security cameras throughout the building, installed.
Last Thursday, the camera captured the shooting deaths of two Palestinian teenagers cool. Organization defending the rights of children of Defence for Children International distributed and reviewed the raw video, unedited six hours, two children - ages 17 and 16 - the same day in the same patch of asphalt were shot on the second victim, after the first 73 minutes.
Well guys Zayed, the Israeli army is to blame for the murder of the family.
"This is the first time we are shooting to kill," Zayed was filmed two boys were shot while standing in the exact spot outside his home, speaking said.
But an Israeli military spokesman said its forces fired live bullets during the hours of 15 May, the secondary collision was found.
"That was a very violent demonstrations, the Israel Defense Forces in the crowd - and riot control methods are used - preventing and controlling the spread of violence overflow means," Colonel Peter Lerner said.
"Beitunya the initial IDF investigation in any live fire during the riots on Thursday indicates that the shot, and will determine if we have the results," Lerner said.
Locations of security cameras

producer were filming clashes between Kareem Khadder Beitunya May 15.
Several dozen Palestinian youths as the Zayed cover the walls of the house. Periodically, they were probably on a hill 100 meters away, almost a half dozen throw stones at Israeli soldiers and border policemen jumped out. When the rubber-coated bullets, firing their rifles at Israeli forces responded with volleys of tear gas.
At one time, this semi-Khadder lethal rounds a Palestinian teenager, who appeared to be filmed with a foot injury. The boy jumped up and limped for a few seconds in obvious pain, but then turned and rejoined collide.
Posted on May 15, at 13:45, Zayed is fatally wounded one of the children throwing stones at the security camera captures the moment.
Seventeen-year-old Nadeem Nouwarah kefiyeh scarf to cover his face, wearing a black and white and with a backpack on both shoulders, a black sleeveless T-shirt wearing. Israeli military position, he headed for the front door of Zayed, Nouwarah suddenly before rolling to lie on his back, his hand fell, stepped forward.
Within seconds, a crowd of Palestinians gathered Nouwarah lift and rush him to a waiting ambulance. According to a medical report, Nouwarah entered his chest and collapsed on his back, suffered a single gunshot wound, never less than two hours later he was pronounced dead at a hospital.
Khadder not know it at the time, however, the moment when he was shot Nouwarah Palestinian demonstrators, firing their rifles were filming the Israeli security forces. In the video, the Israelis were on their rounds of shots Nouwarah or what kind of damage it is unclear whether the shooting. However, Khadder camera is one of the less than 15 seconds after the shots Nouwarah Palestinians have already been mortally wounded in the ambulance ran looks.
Suffering from the effects of tear gas, Khadder soon stopped protesting. I was not aware of the wounds were fatal Nouwarah.
At 14:58, security cameras filmed the shooting death of a second. Sixteen-year-old Mohammed Odeh Salameh in his black mask, a cape and a green Hamas headband, and the use of a green flags of Hamas, were on the front lines of the protest.
He moved away from the Israeli position, suddenly fell to the ground and struggled to get up briefly. Nouwarah been injured boy was shot just steps from where.
Doctors at the hospital with a gunshot wound in the back was pierced Salameh was pronounced dead on arrival and the departure of his chest.
School in mourning
St. George's School in Ramallah, the first victim, family and classmates Nouwarah was in mourning this week. Students take pictures of smiling boy wearing black shirts. Eleventh grade was photographed with a baseball cap backwards.
"There were 21 students in our class," said the 16-year-old partner George Joseph. "Now, we're 20."
Nouwarah father, Siam, which definitely did not attend the Nakba demonstrations indicate their oldest son told
"Then, I felt I was not believing what I said," Siam working as a hairdresser in Ramallah, he said.
Nouwarah the afternoon of May 15 to attend school outside the anti-Israel protest. His father was shot when his son was wearing the bloody backpack.
Nouwarah bullet leaves the body, where there was a small hole in the bag, almost the same position.
Siam Nouwarah out of the bag and pulled out a packet of papers bloodstained. Son handwriting, scribbles a teenage student and class notes written by Anton Chekhov, was a photocopy of a textbook is included.
"We find this bullet into the bag and took her to the hospital when we are surprised," said the great Nouwarah. Then store it in a plastic bag from his backpack and pulled out a small bullet used.
Metal Slug is a 556 NATO round, carried out by the Israeli security forces used rifles -16 M is the standard ammunition. It was impossible to confirm the authenticity of the bullet.
Siam Nouwarah he was saving for a forensic examination. Israeli troops accused of killing his son.
"To understand the world and my son wearing a school backpack and was murdered in cold blood when going to school should know," said the grieving father.
Thursday date Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman Nouwarah a request to report backpack ballistic bullet had been placed with the Palestinian Authority, said.
"It was presented at the round bag that should not have been, so it begs the question," he said. As of May 15 Beitunya - bodies are not designed to penetrate - that Lerner rubber coated bullet fired by Israeli security forces, repeated the statement from the military.
Nouwarah shot rifle at the time that Israeli security forces and Palestinians in the CNN video of protesters, Lerner used for weapons firing rubber-coated bullets had an attachment at the end of the barrel.
Instead of a rubber-coated bullet from fatal hits that could have been rightly or wrongly Lerner asked if "I am not aware of it at the time of any damage. Said"
Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department requested an investigation into the fatal incidents has joined several other human rights groups.
"I am deeply concerned about the circumstances surrounding the recent deaths of two Palestinian minors are not," Christopher Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations, wrote in the West Bank.
According to initial reports, Gunness appeared both boys, adding that "unarmed and did not appear to pose an immediate threat."

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