Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pope Francis has called for an end to the "increasingly unacceptable" Palestinian-Israeli conflict during a visit to the West Bank city of Bethlehem.
His comments came as he met Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas as part of a three-day tour of the Middle East.
He is holding an open-air mass for 8,000 local Christians by Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.
The tour's official purpose is to improve ties with the Orthodox Church.
Later, the Pope will travel to Tel Aviv and then Jerusalem where he will meet Bartholomew I, the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople.
However, correspondents say Palestinians are hoping for a show of support as his visit comes just weeks after peace talks with Israel broke down.
'Intensify efforts' Palestinian officials have already noted that Pope Francis is the first pontiff to travel directly to the West Bank rather than enter via Israel.
Pope Francis waves to the crowd, from his popemobile, as he arrives at the Manger Square Pope Francis waved to the crowds as he travelled to Manger Square where went on to hold an open-air mass
A nun and her charges wait for the Pope to arrive in Manger Square in Bethlehem The Pope's arrival was eagerly awaited by local Christians
Pope Francis walks towards Israel"s separation barrier on his way to a mass in Manger Square next to the Church of the Nativity He made an unscheduled stop to pray at the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank
Many Palestinians see it as a recognition of their push for full statehood.
Speaking in Bethlehem on Sunday, the Pope said: "The time has come to put an end to this situation which has become increasingly unacceptable."
He talked of the "tragic consequences of the protracted conflict" and the need "to intensify efforts and initiatives" to create a stable peace - based on a two-state solution.
Division Pope Francis has insisted the purpose of his Middle East trip is purely religious.
However, the first speech on his arrival in Bethlehem showed that he is also willing to address pressing political issues, says the BBC's Yolande Knell in Bethlehem.
On his way to Manger Square where he is holding an open-air mass, he stopped to look at a high concrete wall that is part of the barrier Israel is building in and around the West Bank.
Israel says it is needed for security but the Palestinians see it as a land grab, our correspondent adds.
During the afternoon, Francis will take a short flight to Tel Aviv where he will be formally welcomed to Israel by President Shimon Peres before flying on to Jerusalem.
Israel has issued restraining orders against several Jewish right-wing activists this week over concerns that they could try to disrupt the visit.
Twenty-six people were arrested overnight for throwing stones and bottles at police during a protest at a holy site on Mount Zion, reports say.
In Jerusalem, the Pope will commemorate the 50th anniversary of a historic meeting of Catholic and Orthodox leaders who moved to end 900 years of division between the two churches.
Pope Francis and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (left) review troops as they arrive at the presidential palace on 25 May 2014 Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas received the Pope at his palace
Pope Francis disembarks a Jordanian military helicopter The pope flew straight from Jordan to the West Bank by helicopter
Palestinians spray graffiti on an Israeli army watch tower in Bethlehem. 24 May 2014 Palestinians in Bethlehem hope the Pope's visit will help the push for statehood
The Pope's tour began on Saturday with a visit to Jordan.
He was welcomed by King Abdullah II. In a speech at the royal palace, he stressed the need for an "urgent" solution to the Syrian conflict.
He praised Jordan for its "generous welcome" to Syrian refugees.
On Monday the Pope is due visit the al-Aqsa mosque complex in Jerusalem's Old City followed by the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall.
Pope Francis will be the fourth leader of the Roman Catholic Church to visit Jerusalem, after Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who went there in 2009.

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At least 10 dead in attack on Somalia's parliament building

May 24, 2014
An armed Somali soldier runs to fight during an attack on the parliament in Mogadishu, Saturday, May 24. Al-Shabaab militants launched the attack using automatic weapons and explosives, leaving several dead and wounded, according to witnesses and officials.

Mogadishu, Somalia  Al-Shabaab militants launched an attack Somalia's parliament headquarters Saturday, leaving at least 10 people dead and more than 11 others wounded, witnesses and officials said.

Members of the parliament were among those wounded after gunmen loyal to the al Qaeda-affiliated terror group stormed the facility in Mogadishu, according to witnesses and official accounts.
Fighters used automatic rifles, heavy machine guns and explosives in an attack that lasted more than three hours, witnesses said.

Mohamed Madale, a police spokesman, said security forces later secured the building after the fighters blew themselves up. He said the security forces killed several fighters during the attack.
Dahir Mohamed, a police officer who witnessed the attack, said the attackers used a car filled with explosives to get into the parliament building, and killed some of the Somali forces guarding the building on their way in.

Smoke and flames could be seen pouring from the building as ambulances pulled up to attend to the wounded lying on the ground. People took cover as security forces moved in, exchanging gunfire with the attackers. Some members of parliament were evacuated from the building.
Ali Osman, an ambulance worker at the scene, told CNN that he collected 10 bodies, including those of Somali forces, civil servants and civilians who were caught in the crossfire during attack.
He also said more than 11 others, including members of parliament, also were wounded.
A spokesman said on Al-Shabaab's radio network that the group was responsible for the attack.

Prime Minister: Attack does not reflect "true Islamic faith"

In a statement condemning the attack, Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed said, "The terrorists have once again shown that they are against all Somalis, by killing our innocent brothers and sisters. These cowardly, despicable actions are not a demonstration of the true Islamic faith."
The U.S. State Department issued a statement condemning the attack.
"We extend our sympathies and condolences to those affected by this heinous act of terrorism," deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said in the statement, "and commend Somali and African Union forces for their swift and courageous response."

"We continue to stand firmly with the Federal Government of Somalia and the many international partners working to support its efforts to root out the threat posed by al-Shabaab and to build a more secure and prosperous future for the Somali people," Harf said. "Cowardly acts such as these will not shake our resolve."

Lawmakers witness carnage
Mohamed Omar, a lawmaker who was inside the parliament building, said that Al-Shabaab fighters wore military uniforms and "suicide belts." Security forces killed at least three of the militants, Omar said.
Osman Daallo, a member of parliament, said he saw two colleagues seriously wounded, including a fellow MP "whose chest was gushing out from blood."
Mohamed Deyfalah, another MP, said the attack was the worst he has ever witnessed, and he had always believed the heavy security presence at the parliament would have prevented such an attack.
One of wounded MPs who asked to remain anonymous said the attack "indicates the weakness of the government."

"Our government is still unable to deal with the terrorists and today's attack underscores a lack of efficient government," the lawmaker said.
Late Saturday, Somalia's security minister, Abdukarim Hussein Guled, resigned as a result of the attack.
"I bear witness that the 22 months I have been in the office, we managed to improve the security situation of the country, especially Mogadishu," the minister said, "but now it is time to resign so that someone else who is better than me can take over the office."

Al-Shabaab's aim is to turn Somalia into a fundamentalist Islamic state, though it has carried out attacks in other African countries, as well. The group carried out the mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya, in September that left at 67 people dead.
The group has increased the use of suicide attacks in recent years, though these have been somewhat rare in Somalia. It is believed that veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are helping train al-Shabaab fighters.

23 dead after al Qaeda attacks in southern Yemen

At least 12 government troops and 11 attackers were killed after al Qaeda fighters riding in more than 20 trucks raided government institutions in the southern province of Hadramout Friday night.
The Defense Ministry confirmed the fatalities to government troops, adding that 11 more were injured in the attacks, and four of them were in critical condition.
Eyewitnesses in Seyoon district told CNN that more than 100 al Qaeda fighters attacked nine different governmental institutions, including the national security and police headquarters, and two strategic military bases.
"The militants waited until nightfall and burned down all the government institutions they controlled," said Ali Ba Obaid, an eyewitnesses.
He said that government reinforcements arrived two hours after the militants had taken control of the institutions.
"Hundreds of government forces led by the air force and special forces forced the terror militants to evacuate" early Saturday morning, "but they left after destroying everything," he said.
"The latest al Qaeda defeat in Seyoon is strong proof that their ability to control areas in Yemen are very limited," the official told CNN on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to media.
He said that two of the terrorists killed in the clashes were Saudi.
The attacks came a little more than a month after Yemen launched a military offensive against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula amid an uptick in violence in the capital.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

UK looks to boost fracking with new land access rules

Shale gas rig

The UK government has proposed new rules regarding rights to access land in a bid to speed up the introduction of fracking.

It proposes that shale oil and gas companies are granted access to land below 300m from the surface.
It also suggests firms pay £20,000 per well to those living above the land.
The consultation comes as a new report by the British Geological Survey (BGS) estimates there are 4.4bn barrels of oil in shale rocks in southern England.

The BGS estimates there are between 2.2 billion and 8.6 billion barrels of shale oil in the Weald Basin - that covers areas including Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and Kent - but says there is "no significant gas resource".

These figures represent the total amount of oil in the rocks, only some of which can be accessed.
"It is not known what percentage of the oil present in the shale could be commercially extracted," the survey said.

Announcing the government proposals, Energy Minister Michael Fallon said: "Britain needs more home-grown energy.
"Shale development will bring jobs and business opportunities.
"We are keen for shale and geothermal exploration to go ahead while protecting residents through the robust regulation that is in place.

"These proposals allow shale and geothermal development while offering a fair deal for communities in return for underground access at depths so deep they will have no negative impact on landowners."
The new proposals do not affect the existing system for gaining access rights to land on the surface.
The government also proposed a new notification system to ensure local communities are well informed about any shale developments in their area.
The £20,000 would be an additional payment on top of the £100,000 per site already announced, and is specifically designed for those living above horizontal pipes under ground. Shale exploration companies have already committed to giving 1% of revenues from any successful wells to local communities.
But the government has not gone far enough in its proposals for compensating local residents, according to Sir Merrick Cockell, chairman of the Local Government Association.
"Given the significant tax breaks being proposed to drive forward the development of shale gas and the likely returns, payments to communities should be more in line with those across the rest of the world and be set at between 5%-10% of revenues," he said.


The BBC's John Moylan said the report's estimates could have implications for the UK's long-term energy security and kick-off a drive to start fracking for oil in the region.
But he said the report suggests the shale rocks may contain less oil than similar formations in the US, where fracking has proved hugely successful in recovering oil and, particularly, gas. They could also be more difficult to frack.
Prof Robert Gatliff of the BGS told a news conference that the Weald could prove to be a "difficult play" for for the fracking industry.
Andrew Aplin, professor of unconventional petroleum at Durham University, also raised questions about how much of the oil could be extracted.
"Since neither the rock nor the oil is of optimal quality in the Weald, we might estimate that 1% of the Weald oil resource might be recoverable.
"This would equate to 0.05 billion barrels, which is about two months' UK consumption."
By way of comparison, the equivalent of around 45 billion barrels of oil has been extracted from the North Sea over the past 40 years.
Last year, a BGS study of the North of England suggested there could be as much as 1,300 trillion cubic feet of gas contained in shale rocks.
The fracking process involves pumping water, sand and chemicals into rock at high pressure, and it has sparked demonstrations by environmentalists. Some governments have banned the process.
Critics argue that fracking contaminates water supplies and can cause earthquakes. There have been strong anti-fracking protests at Balcombe, West Sussex, against test-drilling.
However, a government report published in June 2012 concluded that fracking was safe if adequately monitored.

Politically sensitive

Prime Minister David Cameron has insisted fracking will be "good for our country" and has blamed a "lack of understanding" of the process for some of the opposition.
For many years, there has been more traditional exploration and development of oil and gas in the region.
Andrew Austin, chief executive of the onshore energy company IGAS, said it had long been known that southern England had extensive resources.
He told the BBC: "We've known that there's a big potential for oil and gas explorations across the country but particularly in terms of oil in the Weald Basin.
"There's been a long history of oil and gas exploration in this area. We as a company produce oil and gas from around 20 sites across that area. Around 40 million barrels have been recovered from that area to date."
In the US, fracking for oil and gas has created an energy boom and led to speculation that the country could overtake Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest producer by 2020, or even sooner.
Gas prices in the US have fallen sharply as a result, and other countries are now hoping that shale oil and gas could also lead to lower domestic energy prices.


Brussels fatal gun attack at Jewish museum

A gunman has shot dead two men and a woman at the Jewish Museum in the Belgian capital Brussels.

A fourth person was seriously wounded, emergency services said.
The attacker arrived by car, got out, fired on people at the museum entrance, and returned to the vehicle which then sped away, Belgian media report.
One person has been arrested and police are hunting a second, officials say. Security has been tightened at Jewish sites across Belgium.
Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo said all Belgians were "united and show solidarity in the face of this odious attack on a Jewish cultural site".

Belgian public prosecutor's spokeswoman Ine Van Wymersch told a news conference that one suspect had been detained at the wheel of his car, although there was no proven connection to the attack.
A second suspect was still being sought, who was thought to have fled on foot, she added.

Police at the scene of the Brussels attack 
 Belgium's interior minister said all the circumstances pointed to an anti-Semitic attack
Brussels public prosecutor's spokeswoman Ine Van Wymersch    
The public prosecutor's spokeswoman Ine Van Wymersch said a second person was being sought
Forensic experts examine the site of a shooting at the Jewish museum in Brussels, 24 May 2014.  
Police say they have detained one suspect who drove away from the museum around the time of the attack
Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, who was one of the first people to arrive at the scene, said he arrived at the scene shortly after the shooting.
"I heard bursts of gunfire, rushed here and saw the bodies on the ground," he said.
The gunman arrived at the museum at around 15:50 (13:50 GMT) carrying a backpack and opened fire before fleeing in an Audi, local media report.

Foreign Minister Didier Reynders: "I ran to the museum and I saw two people on the ground."

They say one eyewitness may have made a note of the number plate and given it to police.
Brussels Mayor Yvan Mayeur said three men and a woman had been caught up in what he thought was probably a "terrorist act". "It's clearly extremely serious," he was quoted as saying, "and on the Jewish Museum too, which isn't a coincidence".
Eyewitness Alain Sobotik told AFP news agency he had seen two bodies in the lobby of the museum.
One was "a young woman with her head covered in blood", he said. "She was holding a leaflet and looked like a tourist."

Interior Minister Joelle Milquet said everything pointed to an anti-Semitic attack.
Belgium has a Jewish population of some 42,000, about half of whom live in the capital.
Jewish community leader Julien Klener agreed the motive was probably anti-Semitic: "The assumption, and it is an assumption, is that it was someone who didn't try to target the museum but the adjective 'Jewish'".
A number of people were treated for shock after the shooting in the central Sablon area of the city.
Mr Di Rupo expressed his condolences and support for the victims' families.

Bahrain activist Nabeel Rajab released from prison

Young protesters hold up a picture of Nabeel Rajab in Malkiya, Bahrain, (3 October 2013)

Prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab has been freed after serving two years in prison for his involvement in illegal protests.

Rajab, who heads the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), was convicted in 2012 of taking part in illegal gatherings and disturbing public order.
An appeals court later reduced his original three-year term by a year.
He was one of several leading activists arrested by the authorities after pro-democracy protests erupted in 2011.

Appeal Soon after his release on Saturday, Rajab told the Associated Press news agency that he was happy to be out after spending more than 600 days in prison.
He also appealed for the release of all political prisoners, the agency added.
Rights groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights First, have campaigned on behalf of Rajab throughout his prison sentence, calling on the authorities to release him.

In December 2013, a Bahraini court rejected a request by Rajab's lawyers for early release. They argued that he was eligible because he had already served three-quarters of a two-year sentence.
In addition to his role with the BCHR, Mr Rajab is deputy secretary general of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).
Before his imprisonment in July 2012, Mr Rajab was repeatedly detained in connection with the pro-democracy protests that erupted in the Gulf kingdom the previous year.

Amnesty said that he was punched in the face several times by riot police as he led a demonstration in February 2012, and in May 2012 was charged with "insulting a national institution" in comments about the interior ministry he posted on Twitter.

In June 2012, Rajab was sentenced to three months in jail over different tweets he wrote about the prime minister. The conviction was eventually overturned on appeal, but only after he had begun his two-year sentence for taking part in unauthorised protests.

At his trial, Mr Rajab told the court that he had been held in dire conditions and subjected to ill treatment, including being placed in solitary confinement with a dead animal and kept almost naked.
BCHR's founder, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, is serving a life sentence for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government. He was convicted on evidence that was widely accepted as having been secured under torture

The $200m match decided by defensive error as QPR back in EPL

May 24, 2014
Bobby Zamora steers home QPR's winner as Richard Keogh tries to retrieve his earlier mistake.

The so-called richest game in football hinged on a late defensive error by Derby captain Richard Keogh as Bobby Zamora scored a dramatic injury-time winner for 10-man Queens Park Rangers in the Championship playoff at Wembley Saturday.
Promotion to the English Premier League is estimated to be worth $200m and it was QPR celebrating an unlikely win at the final whistle.

Former England international Zamora scored with a first-time volleyed shot after Keogh's intended clearance fell straight to his feet.
It was QPR's first shot on target after a match largely dominated by Derby -- particularly after Gary O'Neil's red card on the hour mark.

O'Neil went for hacking down Johnny Russell as he raced towards goal and it looked only a matter of time before Derby, managed by former England boss Steve McClaren, grabbed a winner.

His QPR counterpart Harry Redknapp admitted as much as he reflected on his side's triumph.
"We were hanging on with 10 men until a fantastic finish," he told Sky Sports. "We were hanging on for our lives," he admitted.

QPR, relegated from the EPL last season, has spent heavily, backed by owner Tony Fernandes, with a massive wage bill in comparison to other rivals in the second flight of English football.
Leicester City and Burnley gained the two automatic promotion spots, leaving QPR to negotiate its passage through the playoffs involving the next four best-placed teams in the league.
Victory over Wigan saw QPR into the final, while Derby thrashed Brighton to reach the Wembley showdown.

A cagey and tactical match produced few chances, the best coming after O'Neil was dismissed but QPR's man-of-the-match defender Richard Dunne and goalkeeper Robert Green were outstanding in repulsing Derby.
Then came the late drama -- with Zamora repeating a feat he achieved in helping West Ham win the playoffs in 2005.

It left a distraught Keogh to be consoled by his teammates while QPR lifted the playoff trophy.
For McClaren it was a bitter disappointment after guiding his young team to third place in the regular season standings and a deserved place in the final.
"I've lost some games in my career but that is the cruelest," he told BBC Sport. "For somebody to make mistakes -- we don't blame anybody," he added.

7 dead in California shooting rampage called 'premeditated mass murder'

May 24, 2014
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Described as mentally disturbed and bent probably a gunman on the penalty , called a rampage , killing six people, a small university town in Southern California to spray bullets from a moving car " premeditated mass murder , " Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies said Saturday.
When the shooter crashed his car on Friday night died of gunshot wounds , police said. Fire serious head wounds self-inflicted or the result of the police if it was ready.
Who also had surgery at least seven people, including one in the hospital being treated for a gunshot wound or traumatic injuries , said sheriff's office spokeswoman Kelly Hoover.
" The sheriff office has received and is currently writing and suggests that this was a premeditated mass murder is the analysis of video evidence ," said Hoover.Answer : Shoot the doubt slowed the car
Hoover apparently posted by a young man as " punishment" was referring to the title of a YouTube video. Nearly seven -minute video , ignored or discarded during the past eight years , and he warned him about the young women who rants "This is the punishment for you. "The California City Photos shooting rampage in California shooting rampage in town
" Tomorrow is the day of punishment , which is the day I will get my revenge, " said the man in the video.
Who is the man behind the rampagePolice: Mass murder in a shooting situationDrive - by shooting in California stuns
Shootings Memorial Day weekend in a crowded area is bustling with activity , the University of California , Santa Barbara occurred near Isla Vista.
" I do not remember hearing someone screaming, " witness Robert Johnson described the moment the shooter opened fire on people outside a deli, told CNN . "I turned and ran in the opposite direction , where there is a lot of confusion .... It was at that time. Shortly after this whole ordeal was over yet , I have not a lot of people do not realize the extent of the situation. "
Police discovered the body of the suspected gunman after about 10 minutes , when the shots were reported on the violence posted by 9:27 , starts and ends in a few minutes , told CNN affiliate Keyt TV. The authorities were nine different crime scenes .
" Sheriff's deputies responded and found the victim, some suffering from gunshot wounds . Sheriff's deputies have been exposed to attend and perform the initial treatment , they were suspect information. , Just minutes later , Isla Vista in several other areas were further reports of gunfire, "said Hoover.
U.S. law enforcement authorities , Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the FBI used the Bureau of Alcohol a gun to try to track the suspect and where it is possible to get it with the help of the local police are investigating.
Johnson had to bet what he heard , he was in a corner , to CNN. Then a black BMW with tinted windows drove by and slowed down or as many as eight people eat outside, where a meal is stopped outside . Someone in the car opened fire .
" It went very quickly , but I think it may happen that the largest group , " he said. " It was the largest group in the area, was targeted because it is just . "
People jumped up and ran , recalled Johnson.
The U.S. mass shootings
Keyt reporter John Palminteri as he shot his victims , witnesses reported hearing some talk that the shooter told CNN. Outside a 7-11 Convenience Store, said he was shot in the legs of the workers came out in the girl's safety pull gunfire. Another victim , a cyclist , apparently after being struck by a gunman car suffered massive head injuries.
A woman flashed a gun at the driver of the car and asked the station said, " Hey, what's up? " Before opening fire. He escaped unhurt .
"I heard some of the Pops , but I just assumed they were fireworks, " was to eat at a restaurant , said Daniel Slovinsky . "Contrary to what you may think , a lot of chaos, I did not hear any screaming. Immediately was not there. Few people ran out and start yelling at people to get into the police .... It was not really until we realized that something big went down could. , but even then people did not know it . "
Before college town of Isla Vista beach has seen mass murder
Keyt "witness people and spray bullets into various targets , speeding through the streets described seeing a black BMW. " Reports that six minutes after the first emergency call , the suspected gunman traded fire with sheriff's deputies and the vehicle plowed into a parked car , Hoover, said sheriff's Office spokesman .
In a statement on its website on Saturday , the UC Santa Barbara a few students have taken to a local hospital after the shooting .
" Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the victims ," the statement said .
Suspected gunman found dead of an apparent gunshot wound , he said. A semi-automatic pistol was recovered.
It appears the suspect acted alone , said Hoover.
According to the Santa Barbara Sheriff Bill Brown Keyt , " severely mentally disturbed, " said the suspect.
Women looking for a motive , authorities rejected him , probably contains a tirade against the man was in a video posted on social media, said Brown station. Hoover suspect tentatively identified, but his name will not be revealed until " a positive identification is made. "
Relatives of the victims' identities will not be released until notified , he said.

Defiant Prime Minister urges Ukrainians to vote in presidential election

May 24, 2014
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 Kiev, Ukraine - Ukrainian Prime Minister in the face of deadly violence gripping the country east of his fellow country men and women in the national elections on Saturday in a defiant message : We go to the polls .Voters will elect a president to lead the country , Arseniy Yatsenyuk " for the release of prosperity , the European future of Ukraine pays the highest price - . Said the price of their own lives, "The Provisional Government issued a statement on the website, it means " We want Sunday and every one of us more accountable . "Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine 's presidential election , centered on the ongoing separatist violence in the region , will be held .Voters blamed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula PRO- Russian conflict and the invasion of a country divided by the takeover of Russia ousted PRO - Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych will choose a successor.Militants burn polling places in UkraineWhen sanctions are harsh in Russia?Ukraine is a precursor to Vote explosionsSee a tough election hopefulIncreasingly PRO - Russian forces in the bloody conflict of the week trying to disrupt the elections have raised the question of - the U.S. and its European allies that can trigger early stricter sanctions against Moscow.Donetsk and Luhansk PRO - Russian militants , who control a string held a referendum on independence , and the government has refused to accept the legitimacy or the presidential election.But Yatsenyuk said on Sunday insisted that the elections in Ukraine." Tomorrow we work to build our home and how it will make the decisions themselves, it is not possible to intimidate us , to prove to the entire world , and ourselves to be first of all, " he said.. " But we have fought for these elections, restoring our military to defend our country , destroy the industrial reconstruction , has been washing billions of systems destroys the land, we are laying the foundation for the strength of learning and development , " he said.Ukraine's "Chocolate King ' aims Top JobExamine interferenceThe Luhansk and Donetsk regions of the Prosecutor General's Office alleged involvement in the electoral process , said Saturday the 83 cases examined.The Interior Ministry police districts and the local election commission chief Volodymyr Grynyuk 12 regions in the country, according to the government press service, during Saturday's protection.Destroy the buildings and equipment have been seized by the separatists had been placed in Donetsk and Luhansk half measures 34 of the district election commission , it said. Ballots were distributed in these areas , but still.Rebel stronghold Slovyansk , Vyacheslav statement , the self-proclaimed mayor who tried to vote in the presidential election had been arrested .And the self-proclaimed "Donetsk Republic ," Speaking on Saturday outside the main office as well as the body's Twitter account, according to the protesters , the Donetsk and Luhansk joined to form a new breakaway " Novorossiya . "Against Separatists " antiterrorist operation " which the government launched in Kiev, so far they have not been able to get them away from the cities.But their days are numbered deals Yatsenyuk charge."I waged war against Ukraine will be prevented from getting to the polling station , Donetsk and Luhansk region which, like the declaration of our countrymen : criminals terrorize the rest of your land, do not have much time, " he said.Overall, 600 crimes registered in relation to the separatist activities , integrity, threat of terrorism and terrorist financing , said the Prosecutor 's Office. More than 100 people have been arrested.Russian recognitionFriday , Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sunday's election in Ukraine, he will respect the will of the voters told the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.But he was ousted in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine Yanukovych speech reiterated that Russia remains the country's legitimate president and that the violence in eastern Ukraine, now the question is whether or not held .The billionaire businessman and politician Petro Poroshenko presidentföregångarei contest.Speaking Tuesday , Putin again , much of which flows through Ukraine , Europe, raised the issue of Russia's natural gas supply . Moscow, Kiev , Russian energy giant Gazprom for natural gas is owed ​​$ 3500000000 and is said to be the fault of Ukraine has warned that any disruption to supply." We are seriously Russian gas transported to Europe , and their direct threats to intervene affected by any of the statements Ukrainian radicals , and we hope that common sense will prevail and that this is not happening is it ," said Putin.Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov only when it is performed in accordance with that of the media in Ukraine will decide not to recognize the votes said Friday.U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently voted to disrupt the Russian economy in Russia, Ukraine By targeting specific sectors will lead to further sanctions.So far, U.S. and European sanctions have targeted individuals and some of the banks and other entitiesCoordinating and supporting the unrest in Kiev and Western powers have accused Russia. Russia denies direct involvement or influence on insurgent groups .Valentyn Nalyvaychenko , Head of the Security Service of Ukraine , which was intended for the election of military operations , but the option to secure the polling stations , Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the Separatist threat will be some people said on Friday.Friday , statement , Slovyansk obtained on the black market and the civil war in 1990 , the Ukrainian military aircraft used for events that are known as art -portable air defense systems , missile launchers showed a CNN crew.

Luhansk , Donetsk clashAs tensions continue to simmer vote, at least 32 people , according to the country's anti-terror office spokesman Vladislav Seleznev Ukrainian military and PRO - Russian separatists in the Luhansk region killed and 44 injured in clashes on Thursday.Thirty-seven Ukrainian soldiers while damaging 37 separatists and pro-Russian separatists and two Ukrainian soldiers were among the dead, Seleznev said Friday. Ukraine's Defense Ministry said 20 died , more than 30 wounded insurgent .Reports can not be independently confirmed , and the previous claims from Ukrainian sources have proven to be unreliable.Friday , Donetsk region from the title of a PRO - PRO - Ukrainian-Russian checkpoint at a local militia group known as the Chief of Staff of the Ukrainian authorities and right sectors , according come under attack .Donetsk regional governments the power sector public four PRO - Ukrainian soldiers were trapped and could have been killed or captured , said one person died and nine were injured.There were no further details on casualties, and the reports could not be confirmed independently also .Security Service of Ukraine border this week to join the militia groups targeting the Ukrainian soldiers were under orders to tell them a sniper detained an alleged Russian National Guard said Saturday .

Pakistan's Prime Minister to attend swearing-in of Indian counterpart

May 24, 2014
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (shown in 2013) will attend the swearing-in of India's newly elected leader, Narendra Modi.

In an unprecedented move, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will travel to New Delhi to attend the oath-taking ceremony Monday for India's new leader, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said Saturday.
Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi will be sworn in as the head of the world's largest democracy after his Bharatiya Janata Party won a resounding election victory.
As well as attending the ceremony, Sharif will have a bilateral meeting with Modi on Tuesday and will also meet with Indian President Shri Pranab Mukherjee, according to a statement from Pakistan's Foreign Ministry.
Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry is expected to accompany Sharif, according to the statement.

India's external affairs ministry said Wednesday that invitations had been extended to the heads of all eight countries in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, which includes Sharif.
"This is the first time that India has invited all SAARC members to attend a swearing-in ceremony of a prime minister," ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said.
The attendance of Sharif at the ceremony may boost hopes of improved relations between the neighboring countries.

Stewards investigate after Nico Rosberg claims Monaco pole

May 24, 2014
The atmosphere is frosty after Nico Rosberg takes a controversial pole ahead of Lewis Hamilton in Monte Carlo.

Nico Rosberg took pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix on Saturday, but the raw Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton in qualifying held up the final moments of the event, which was under investigation by the race stewards .Rosberg lost control of his car and took the road to escape at Mirabeau , when both men were on his last flying lap .Presentation for him on the first sector of a second ahead of Hamilton, who was two hundred behind , got the yellow flag waived and eventually had to slow up as his attempts were abandoned.Fastest Lap - Circuit de MonacoAlain Prost : Why I love MonacoMonaco, the path to the centerHow safe is a Monaco F1 race ?Read : View of Monaco winner WebberIt runs from the penultimate slow clock Rosberg is one minute 15.989 0.059 seconds with Hamilton from previous efforts , it has meant in the first place on the web.But it is clear , fuming and before he went on his teammates to take pole "targets" in the post- qualifying press conference , insisted that the rest of Hamilton.Rosberg , " just try to push it a little further and went over the edge ," he argued , but for the second straight year , was delighted to have the rod in Monte Carlo." - It could not be better , home to polar fantastic, I really, really happy. "Behind the back of the all - conquering Mercedes couples and four - time defending champion Red Bull team-mate Sebastian Vettel's Australian Daniel Ricciardo , who had got the better of the third and fourth on the grid.Two - time former world champion Fernando Alonso in his Ferrari before teammate Kimi Räikkönen will occupy the third row .McLaren's Toro Rosso and Danish troops to Frenchman Jean - Eric Vergne Kevin Magnussen was quickest in the seventh and eighth.Another rookie , Russian Daniil Kvyat ninth in the second Toro Rosso and Force India Mexican Sergio Perez completed the top 10.Read : Grit and Glamour, Monaco magicHamilton, after winning the last four races , Rosberg leads the title race with three points, but the tight street circuit in Monte Carlo on the pole position for Sunday's race to virtually guarantee victory.Hamilton failed to finish Rosberg took the Australian season opener , but their own private battle for the world championship, with signs of tension between the two men , in the last four rounds of the Briton had to settle for second place.

Balkans floods: Edin Dzeko urges world to help Bosnia

Bosnian workers inspect the damage on heavy machinery after devastating flooding at a coal mine in the village of Sikulje in Bosnia on Thursday, May 22. Heavy rainfall in Serbia and neighboring Bosnia-Herzegovina has resulted in the worst flooding since records began 120 years ago, meteorologists say.

Edin Dzeko is a man on a mission - and it's not just about winning the World Cup.
50,000 people were in October last year as a tribute to the happy scenes in the streets of Brazil in 2014 in Sarajevo, Bosnia's qualifications.
His players become heroes and do the nation proud on his debut on the stage of the world's greatest football hopes to travel to South America.
But any thoughts of World Cup success Balkans for 120 years , has been put on hold after the worst floods .
"I know this is not a game, for the world, is important for people to think , " who had appealed for help on Twitter Dzeko , told CNN.
"This is something serious. , So many people lost their homes , lost their lives.
"Over the last 20 years trying to build something for themselves and their children are doing and what they have lost just like that. "
Bosnian President Bakir Izetbegovic confirmed to CNN that the billions of dollars in flood damage , while floods have wreaked destruction on the part of Croatia and Serbia as well.
Serbia has died also , when at least 13 people have died in Bosnia during natural disasters.Watch this video
"I know, people in Bosnia and Serbia , to the whole world , " who plays for English Premier League champions Manchester City Dzeko added .
" Bosnia and Serbia can help anyone in any way, it would be amazing . "
Dzeko has taken to social media to seek help , humanitarian organizations have begun to arrive .
Red Cross it is said , about 50,000 people across the country are without clean drinking water and electricity estimates "created by a flood of unsafe and unhealthy living conditions. "
Landslides cause havoc when a state of emergency , according to the Red Cross, 14 municipalities have announced .
Världslivsmedelsprogrammetär already enough to Bosnia to help the 150,000 most affected areas, has announced plans to send help.
Bosnian trade the most affected sectors , the production of crops , and the recent floods have left the farm and agricultural land decimated .
" This country is brutally destroyed by nature, " Zlatko Lagumdzija , he was the Foreign Minister of Bosnia. " Avalanche destroys the country. , We registered up to 2000 ," he said .
Bosnia is experiencing now will have to fight the big problem is that the warning sign aroma the deadly minefields and mine is offset.
Dzeko and his teammates for their training camp in Sarajevo was embedded in relative peace , and when , the players were beaten on their home country , which is fully aware of the destruction.
"Everybody talks about it ," said the striker .
"I think the key here . Unfortunately , what's happened has happened.
"We're just in a bad way and just gets better and better in the coming days and months will not hope to hope.
" Help comes from all over the world, and will further be appreciated that a lot. "
Dzeko to Manchester City in the Premier League title at the same time lead Bosnia to qualify for the World Cup, has had a successful season .
28 -year-old scored 26 goals in all competitions and won many admirers for their performance - including the Chelsea manager José Mourinho.
He Mourinho Liverpool's Luis Suarez Dzeko England should instead have been named Player of the Year at the thought that the British media .
" If you hear something similar from one of the best managers in the world when I have to say I am very proud of myself ," said Dzeko .
" It feels as if he has some good things in the past and it was thanks to José Mourinho.
" I get compliments from one of the best managers in the world , you want to be better and do better in some capacity in the future and it gives you more confidence, have said it before . "

PSG agree deal to sign David Luiz from Chelsea

Chelsea have agreed to sell David Luiz to Paris Saint Germain.

They may have just been sanctioned by UEFA for breaching Financial Fair Play rules but Paris Saint-Germain is showing no sign of putting away the checkbook.
The French champions announced an agreement has been reached with Chelsea late Friday to sign Brazil international defender David Luiz subject to the player passing a medical and agreeing personal terms.
Neither club confirmed the extent of the fee agreed although reports earlier in the day had suggested a figure in the region of £40 million ($67 million) was likely.

"Paris Saint Germain, Chelsea and David Luiz would like to confirm that they reached an agreement regarding the terms of an upcoming transfer of the Brazilian defender that would occur during the next transfer window which is due to start on 10th June 2014," read a statement released by PSG.
"In accordance with the player's wish to prepare for and play in the World Cup in his home country in the best possible conditions, both clubs and David Luiz wished to reach an agreement as soon as possible."

If the $67 million fee reported is correct it will make Luiz the most expensive defender ever, overtaking the $57 million PSG paid to sign Thiago Silva from AC Milan in 2012.
How the Parisians aim to incorporate the deal into their commitments to comply with UEFA's new financial regulations remains unclear, however.

Selling players or increasing revenues is a possibility but president Nasser al-Khelaifi has publicly stated his intention to continue to invest in the team.
PSG were sanctioned last week along with English champions Manchester City for breaking FFP rules which aim to stop clubs getting into unmanageable debt or allow wealthy benefactors to give top teams and unfair advantage.

Backed by the Qatar Investment Authority, PSG have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on some of the world's best players like Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Edison Cavani and Ezequiel Lavezzi in recent years.

The club claimed any losses incurred on these transfers was wiped out with a huge and back-dated sponsorship deal with the Qatar Tourist Authority but UEFA concluded that although this deal was valid it was heavily overvalued.
As a result, PSG were found to have exceeded the permitted losses of $62 million over the course of the 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons and accepted a fine of $83 million and a squad capped at 21 players rather than the usual 25 for next season's Champions League campaign.

Costa and Turan train with teammates on eve Costa and Turan train with teammates on eve of Champions League final

Arda Turan anad Diego Costa train with teammates ahead of the 2014 Champions League final in Lisbon. 
Diego Costa and Arda Turan took part in training with Atletico Madrid teammates at the Estadio da Luz Friday ahead the Champions League final clash with city rivals Real Madrid.
The pair have been an integral part of Atletico's title winning side but remain doubts for Saturday's fixture after being forced off during last weekend's league clash with Barcelona -- the match that saw Atleti clinch La Liga for the first time in 16 years.

Costa mainly trained alone on Thursday but was able to join in drills with teammates Friday.
The naturalized Spaniard, who has scored 36 goals in 51 appearances this season, reportedly flew to Sarajevo for horse-placenta treatment on a hamstring tear earlier this week while Turan has nursed the hip-knock he sustained against the Catalans at the club's training base in Madrid.
Atletico manager Diego Simeone, however, remained tight-lipped about the pair's chances of making his starting lineup in Lisbon on Saturday.

"Costa and Arda are important players but they are just names, it will either be them playing or two others who know who they are," Simeone told reporters.

"We will examine Diego Costa and the other injury doubts today. They trained better yesterday but we have to see how they feel," he added.
The Argentine is looking to become just the third non-European coach to win the continent's premier club competition after compatriots Luis Carniglia and Helenio Herrera but is wary of an opponent he knows well.
No two teams from the same city have ever contested the Champions League final before or its predecessor, the European Cup.

"We don't know how Madrid will play, we've worked with different possibilities and we will try to block them and find a way to control the match the way we need," Simeone said.
The sides have met four times already this season with Atletico claiming one league win against Real's two victories in the double-legged Copa del Rey semifinal.
The other league match was drawn.

Real face injury concerns of their own ahead of the clash that could see them lift the illusive "decima," their tenth European crown which has become an obsession since they won their ninth continental title in 2002.
Star players Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale have been struggling for fitness in recent weeks but both are expected to play Saturday.

Portuguese defender, Pepe, and French striker, Karim Benzema, however, are less likely to make it.
Speaking to reporters Friday, Real boss Carlo Ancelotti said: "we will assess the injuries at training. Cristiano has trained without problems but Pepe and Benzema haven't trained this week."
"We will take the decision for tomorrow after this session which they will take part in," he added.
Ancelotti is aiming to lift the Champions League trophy for the third time as a manager, having done so with AC Milan in 2003 and 2007.
But reports have suggested the Italian's position could come under scrutiny should Real fail to win Saturday.

Los Blancos claimed the Copa del Rey trophy in April but stumbled to a third placed finish in La Liga behind Atletico and Barcelona.
In what may have been comments relating to these reports, Ancelotti said: "I have clear memories of my last press conference before the 2007 final and I said 'this may be my last press conference, let me enjoy it.'"

"It wasn't, but this one may be - so let me enjoy it. There's a thin line between an obsession and a dream, but my aim is to realize the dream," he said.
Real defender, Sergio Ramos, accompanied Ancelotti at Friday's press conference and spoke effusively of his manager.

"Since Carlo Ancelotti arrived he has emphasized hard work and intensity and now that is what Real Madrid are associated with," Ramos said.
"He has playing experience which makes him different to other coaches. We realize the efforts many of our fans have to make to come, some will have been saving all year long and that is motivation for the team."
"Even those who couldn't come, we have to do everything possible to make them happy."


Bjorn and Lowry lead way at Wentworth

Thomas Bjorn salutes the crowd at the PGA Championship at Wentworth, England.

It's tight at the top after day two of the PGA Championship at Wentworth, England, with overnight pace-setter Thomas Bjorn tied for the lead at 10-under-par with Ireland's Shane Lowry.
The Dane scored eight birdies and an eagle on Thursday to card a course record 62 but a level-par round on a soggy Friday allowed Lowry to draw level atop the leaderboard.
It could have been worse for Bjorn, who dropped two shots on the front nine as the rain lashed down before recovering with two birdies on 15 and 18.

"Those were tough conditions for everybody out there today," the 43 year old Dane told European Tour website upon returning to the clubhouse. "Especially on the front nine it was extremely difficult to get into a rhythm.
"We played those first four holes in I don't know how long, and we had a couple of rulings in front of us. It was just impossible to find a good rhythm and Retief (Goosen) left us with a back injury after five holes, so we got caught in a two-ball.

"It just seems like all day we were waiting and waiting for a long time on a lot of these shots. It was a tough ask today so I was pretty pleased with the way I finished the round."
World number 142 Lowry took advantage of Bjorn's difficulties with a 2-under-par round of 70 to draw level with the Dane.
"I was good out there today," Lowry told reporters upon completing his round, "I was mentally there and really enjoyed it."
"It was tough for the front nine with the rain and stuff but it was a nice back nine and I managed to take advantage of it."

The lowest round of the day was a five-under-par carded by Luke Donald, moving the Englishman into a tie for third place with Spain's Rafa Cabrera-Bello.
The Englishman told reporters he planned to treat himself to a Friday night curry to celebrate drawing himself back into contention.
Another man pleased with his second round showing after a tough week was world No. 10, Rory McIlroy.

The Northern Irishman split from his fiance, tennis star Caroline Wozniacki, earlier in the week, but registered a one-under par round after recovering from an awful 38-shot (three-over-par) front nine to join Sweden's Henrik Stenson and Paraguay's Fabrizio Zanotti in a tie for fifth at five-under-par.
Stenson could replace Adam Scott atop the world rankings this weekend this if he scores a significantly higher finish at Wentworth than Scott does at the Crowne Plaza Invitational at the Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth Texas.
Scott battled back from a poor opening round and nervy front nine on day two to make the Colonial cut at one-under-par.
The Australian is six shots behind leader Brice Garnett, however, who leads the way on seven-under-par.
Chris Stroud and Rober Streb are a shot behind Garnett in a tie for second going into the weekend while Bo van Pelt, Dustin Johnson, Aaron Baddeley, Chad Campbell, Jimmy Walker, Tim Clark and Brian Davis are all tied for fourth on five-under-par.

Crowds welcome Pope Francis to Jordan at start of Holy Land trip

May 24, 2014
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After a joyous welcome from the faithful gathered in order to promote a message of unity to the Pope in the first leg of a trip to the Holy Land in Jordan celebrated Mass at a stadium on Saturday.With its roots in the ideas of " pilgrimage of prayer, " not policy has been billed as .But religion and politics are so closely intertwined, in a region where , in his comments taken on an added significance.Journey to the Holy Land , Bethlehem and Jerusalem are also accepted , as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church Francis the first, and only a quarter of the modern era is a bishop.Everything to know about the PopeThousands of believers in a majority Muslim nation with a significant Christian community , for the fair at the packed International Stadium in Amman . Many people have been encouraging and the Pope waved.Francis Francis Pope PopeThe Pope and the Queen of the Pope and the QueenThe Pope and the Pope and the PresidentFrancis in his homily spoke of the need for tolerance and diversity, and urged people to keep away the complaints and divisions." The mission of the Holy Spirit to beget harmony ... and making peace among people in different situations and different ," he said ." We have in our political thinking, language , culture and religion to overcome our differences may be rooted in the experience of our brothers and sisters, let us ask the Spirit to prepare the hearts . "Syria , Iraq and the Palestinian territories in the Christian refugees who were present , and the mass of 1,400 children received their First CommunionBefore a small group of cheering supporters waving flags and Francis ' three -day tour of the region begins motorcade left the airport in Amman as " Long live the pope " chanting, lined the road.The pope's first stop , where he met with Jordan's King Abdullah II at the Royal Palace in Amman Al - Husseini , was on.Francis small nation in televised remarks after the meeting , recently, that the Palestinian refugees who fled war-torn Syria and Jordan 's efforts to promote interfaith tolerance and welcome to the Revenue.Francis found a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria that " necessary and urgent " was.He called for a " between Israel and the Palestinians the right solution for the situation. " Middle East peace talks recently to push them forward by U.S. Secretary of State , John Kerry , despite high-profile work ceased ."I have my respect and admiration for the Muslim community to renew and further understanding between people of different beliefs and different faiths to promote, that his majesty the king , by the perception of this opportunity to show my appreciation for the work done ," said Francis .His visit to Jerusalem of Pope Paul VI and the world's Orthodox Christians, Patriarch Athenagoras , then - the spiritual leader of the 50th anniversary of the landmark meeting.Landmark MeetingWhile in Jordan, began as Francis civil war in 2011, refugees fled from Iraq to greet some of the 600,000 Syrians . Many Christians believe Jesus was baptized , he is also the Jordan River , will visit.His work , who co - wrote a book with Francis accompanies the Pope Jewish Abraham Skorka , and Argentina's Muslim community , Sheikh Omar, who leads Abboud , either.His country , the Pope's traveling companions, who are both from Argentina , religion, is no accident." It really is very symbolic, " says Pastor Thomas Rosica , the Vatican press office , said a consultant." But it is possible that it will be working together Muslim , Christian and Jewish sends a message to the state - . Not as a system of checks and balances, but as a friend "Frances in Bethlehem , Manger Square to greet the children from the refugee camps , Palestinians celebrate Mass in lunch with the family and go to the site of Jesus' birth . Long been the policy of the Pope in the Vatican, which is a Palestinian state , is estimated to require .And Jerusalem , the chief priests , the city's major mufti and chief rabbis visited the Western Wall and Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial visited , and the founder of modern Zionism , Theodor Herzl put a wreath on the grave. He will celebrate Mass at the site of the Last Supper.Francis of Bethlehem, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas , met , and with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem would be the time.